After Laurence, Frederic and I reached San Francisco and had some day rest at the campsite overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge and I thought once more about my further trip. Since I really enjoyed cycling with Laurence and Frederic I had ideas like cycling with them down to San Diego and go from there on to Africa or give Africa a miss – at least for the time being – and cycle till Mexico or even Guatemala – the Banana Bread from Doña Luisa was calling – or …… Well Laurence and Frederic are on there way to Tierra del Fuego, so could even have gone till there – just about one other year – and than proceed to Africa – OH YES I had many ideas!!
The decision was partly taken away from me as my bicycle got stolen in front of the library. Though I could have bought another bicycle (Katherina had already called here friends and I could have had a bicycle for a good price – thank you very much Katherina) but I took it as I a sign and decided to stop cycling and to move on to Africa.
Without a bicycle the free campsite out at the Golden Gate Bridge was not convenient anymore – there were no busses into town and walking for 2-3 hours every time I would liked to get into town was not really my thing – and so I packed up my stuff and moved to a Backpacker in Downtown San Francisco. The fact that from now I had to pay some 20 USD per night was just one thing I had to get used. The different atmosphere of a Backpacker was the other, more challenging thing. It took me some days till I was used to the life in a Backpacker again – it is just amazing how you get used to one way of traveling or another.
After some emails forth and back to Phoenix Expeditions, the tour operator I would go to Africa with and friends in the USA, I made my final arrangements. Then the 17th of November came I had to say goodbye to Laurence, Frederic and San Francisco.
A 3 day train journey brought me across the USA to Boston. I was in the fortunate situation that I could stay in Boston with Alexia and Jo. They put me up for a week – once more, thank you very MUCH, I had a real good time – during which I had a look around Boston, bought my plain ticket to Africa and finally managed to receive my new Credit Card – this just because the morning bus to New York was totally booked and I had to wait for the 4:00 PM bus.
Since it was close by, I spent my last days in the US in New York and was one of the thousands of tourists doing there Christmas Shopping. Well, I did not actually shop anything but just walked with them up and down all the famous Avenues. After those days in busy New York I was definitely ready to leave this part of the world and to see something new – I left for Africa.