
During the days we were waiting in Maralal for a truck to come to go up to Lake Turcana, we started to walk towards a Tourist-Lodge, just t have a look there whether there are any groups there or expected to come how would go up to the Lake. While walking along the road I made some photos out of my hip’s from the pass-by’er – they are not really good but they are here anyway.

Lake Turcana

After waiting for some days we finally got a ride not with a truck but with a Land Cruiser and instead of having two days till Loyangalani we needed just one.

Way to Ethiopia

Some weeks later then once thought but totally satisfied, I Finally went on my way to Ethiopia. By bus I got to Isiolo and from there by truck to Moyale. I was woken at 1:00 AM and the boy said to me, “There is a truck to Moyale, hurry up”. I did hurry but by the time I reached the ‘truck-stop’, the truck was gone. Fortunately I did not had to wait to long and another truck heading for Moyale came and so I was on my way to Ethiopia.