August - October 2004
and start around the
15th - 17th of August!
Trekking for 20 days across Zanzkar in the Indian Himalaya, I thought about the reasons why I never do anything like that in Switzerland. Sure it is not the lack of mountains or the not cheering scenery, far from that, but probably the lack of time while you are at home working. Walking over the Himalayan Mountains, I wondered how it would be to trek for an extended period of time through the Swiss Alps.
Nearly two years passed since then and I still think it would be a very interesting and enriching experience. Because I would probably not take two months holiday – or would not get it – for this project, the best time to do it, so I think, is when you anyway have no job and are already on the road.
Having seen a fair bit of the world, I slowly get the felling that it is time to see my own country and so I plan to travel – trek – around Switzerland this fall.
The plan is to start around the 15th – 17th of August in the North-East and walk down to the Saentis (I really like to see him) and then via Pizol and Buendnerland to Engadin. Somehow I will then continue to the Tessin and Vallis and then Berneroberland. Well, that is just a rough plan and I have to find out more about the treks you can do and how to connect them. In Vancouver I already saw that there is a Lonely Planet about trekking in Switzerland. Since I really like to see Switzerland from the traveler-view, I intend to get that book – crazy, not ?!?.
How knows, maybe there are other person who like to see Switzerland as well and like to join me – it has not to be for the entire time – so pleas get in contact. The joining can be anything from weeks, weekends, days, hours or just a beer.
So think about it.
If you once thought or still think about trekking in Switzerland, this fall is the time to do it since you will have a local guide – and that for free!!!!
Trekking in Switzerland can alos cost quite some money – you don’t belief it ?!? … have a look here