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16. Juni 2003

Victoria - Jordan River - Lizard Lake - Cowichan Lake - Port Alberni - Courteny - Cedar Lake - Eve River Rest area - Port Hardy

Well, I’m here. I tell you I was not to sure whether I would get here – at least not on the bicycle. The first day was not too bad. Okay, I had difficulties to go up the last few hills on the way to Jordan River but I mad it.

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16. Juni 2003

Victoria - Jordan River - Lizard Lake - Cowichan Lake - Port Alberni - Courteny - Cedar Lake - Eve River Rest area - Port Hardy

Well, I’m here. I tell you I was not to sure whether I would get here – at least not on the bicycle. The first day was not too bad. Okay, I had difficulties to go up the last few hills on the way to Jordan River but I mad it.

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16. Juni 2003

Victoria - Jordan River - Lizard Lake - Cowichan Lake - Port Alberni - Courteny - Cedar Lake - Eve River Rest area - Port Hardy

Well, I’m here. I tell you I was not to sure whether I would get here – at least not on the bicycle. The first day was not too bad. Okay, I had difficulties to go up the last few hills on the way to Jordan River but I mad it.

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Port Hardy - Petersburg - Juneau - Haines

I meet a girl in Prince Rupert and she just came back from the north and she had just beautiful weather. She stayed in the area around Haines Junction and this is, were the first part of my trip will lead me to, so I hope I will have nice weather as well.

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Port Hardy - Petersburg - Juneau - Haines

I meet a girl in Prince Rupert and she just came back from the north and she had just beautiful weather. She stayed in the area around Haines Junction and this is, were the first part of my trip will lead me to, so I hope I will have nice weather as well.

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Port Hardy - Petersburg - Juneau - Haines

I meet a girl in Prince Rupert and she just came back from the north and she had just beautiful weather. She stayed in the area around Haines Junction and this is, were the first part of my trip will lead me to, so I hope I will have nice weather as well.

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Haines - Summit Haines Hwy - Kathleen Lake - Head Kluane Lake - Burwash Landing - Beaver Creek - Northway Junction - Moon Lake - Big Delta - Fairbanks

After the days on the ferry and in the places of South East Alaska, was really eager to finally really starting cycling. The first 60 km to the boarder with Canada was easy riding along the river and I already thought – hoped – whether my whole intended route would gone be that way – well that would have been to easy wouldn’t it?

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Haines - Summit Haines Hwy - Kathleen Lake - Head Kluane Lake - Burwash Landing - Beaver Creek - Northway Junction - Moon Lake - Big Delta - Fairbanks

After the days on the ferry and in the places of South East Alaska, was really eager to finally really starting cycling. The first 60 km to the boarder with Canada was easy riding along the river and I already thought – hoped – whether my whole intended route would gone be that way – well that would have been to easy wouldn’t it?

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Haines - Summit Haines Hwy - Kathleen Lake - Head Kluane Lake - Burwash Landing - Beaver Creek - Northway Junction - Moon Lake - Big Delta - Fairbanks

After the days on the ferry and in the places of South East Alaska, was really eager to finally really starting cycling. The first 60 km to the boarder with Canada was easy riding along the river and I already thought – hoped – whether my whole intended route would gone be that way – well that would have been to easy wouldn’t it?

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Fairbanks - Yukon River - Arctic Circle - Coldfoot - Atigun Pass - Deadhorse and back

After the 9 days cycling from Haines to Fairbanks I had two day rest in Fairbanks. In Billie’s Hostel – the place I stayed in Fairbanks – I met James. He is also with his bicycle on the way and just completed the Dalton Highway from Deadhorse (Prudhoe Bay) to Fairbanks. Since I still wasn’t sure whether I should cycle this Highway myself we started to talk about his experience along the road.

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Fairbanks - Yukon River - Arctic Circle - Coldfoot - Atigun Pass - Deadhorse and back

After the 9 days cycling from Haines to Fairbanks I had two day rest in Fairbanks. In Billie’s Hostel – the place I stayed in Fairbanks – I met James. He is also with his bicycle on the way and just completed the Dalton Highway from Deadhorse (Prudhoe Bay) to Fairbanks. Since I still wasn’t sure whether I should cycle this Highway myself we started to talk about his experience along the road.

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Fairbanks - Yukon River - Arctic Circle - Coldfoot - Atigun Pass - Deadhorse and back

After the 9 days cycling from Haines to Fairbanks I had two day rest in Fairbanks. In Billie’s Hostel – the place I stayed in Fairbanks – I met James. He is also with his bicycle on the way and just completed the Dalton Highway from Deadhorse (Prudhoe Bay) to Fairbanks. Since I still wasn’t sure whether I should cycle this Highway myself we started to talk about his experience along the road.

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Fairbanks - Nenana - Denali NP, Visitor Center - Denali NP, Wonderlake - Denali NP, Carlo Creek

After my trip up to Prudhoe Bay and back I needed some rest and so I settled in for a few days in Billie’s Hostel. We had wonderful weather and there was also the “Golden Day’s” of Fairbanks – I think it was the 100-year anniversary of the founding of Fairbanks – and there was also a wedding / hostel party at the hostel. It was a really relaxing and enjoyable time.

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Fairbanks - Nenana - Denali NP, Visitor Center - Denali NP, Wonderlake - Denali NP, Carlo Creek

After my trip up to Prudhoe Bay and back I needed some rest and so I settled in for a few days in Billie’s Hostel. We had wonderful weather and there was also the “Golden Day’s” of Fairbanks – I think it was the 100-year anniversary of the founding of Fairbanks – and there was also a wedding / hostel party at the hostel. It was a really relaxing and enjoyable time.

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Fairbanks - Nenana - Denali NP, Visitor Center - Denali NP, Wonderlake - Denali NP, Carlo Creek

After my trip up to Prudhoe Bay and back I needed some rest and so I settled in for a few days in Billie’s Hostel. We had wonderful weather and there was also the “Golden Day’s” of Fairbanks – I think it was the 100-year anniversary of the founding of Fairbanks – and there was also a wedding / hostel party at the hostel. It was a really relaxing and enjoyable time.

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Denali NP, Carlo Creek - Nenana River - Creek - Landmark Lake - Paxson

I got up and there was a totally blue sky – I could almost not believe it. After the rainy days it seemed, that at last, that a sunny period would start – or at least so I hoped. Although the sun was out it was pretty cold – the condense water on my tent was frozen – and I had to dress myself warmly to have breakfast. To dry my wet laundry, I hanged them into the sun and after a while steam was rising from the wet clothes – waht was pretty need to see.

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Denali NP, Carlo Creek - Nenana River - Creek - Landmark Lake - Paxson

I got up and there was a totally blue sky – I could almost not believe it. After the rainy days it seemed, that at last, that a sunny period would start – or at least so I hoped. Although the sun was out it was pretty cold – the condense water on my tent was frozen – and I had to dress myself warmly to have breakfast. To dry my wet laundry, I hanged them into the sun and after a while steam was rising from the wet clothes – waht was pretty need to see.

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Denali NP, Carlo Creek - Nenana River - Creek - Landmark Lake - Paxson

I got up and there was a totally blue sky – I could almost not believe it. After the rainy days it seemed, that at last, that a sunny period would start – or at least so I hoped. Although the sun was out it was pretty cold – the condense water on my tent was frozen – and I had to dress myself warmly to have breakfast. To dry my wet laundry, I hanged them into the sun and after a while steam was rising from the wet clothes – waht was pretty need to see.

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Paxson - Sourdough - Glennallen - Chintina - McCarthy - Kenny Lake - Tomson Pass - Valdez

After the short break in Paxson, I had a very beautiful ride along the Richardson Hwy. It was like the classical Alaska-Picture in my head – forest, hills, river, lakes and in the background the snow covered mountain peaks of the Alaska Range. Here I made my ‘Alaska Picture’ – me cycling up a hill with the mountains in the background (at the present just available in ‘undeveloped-slide-format’ so not to see here yet).

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Paxson - Sourdough - Glennallen - Chintina - McCarthy - Kenny Lake - Tomson Pass - Valdez

After the short break in Paxson, I had a very beautiful ride along the Richardson Hwy. It was like the classical Alaska-Picture in my head – forest, hills, river, lakes and in the background the snow covered mountain peaks of the Alaska Range. Here I made my ‘Alaska Picture’ – me cycling up a hill with the mountains in the background (at the present just available in ‘undeveloped-slide-format’ so not to see here yet).

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Paxson - Sourdough - Glennallen - Chintina - McCarthy - Kenny Lake - Tomson Pass - Valdez

After the short break in Paxson, I had a very beautiful ride along the Richardson Hwy. It was like the classical Alaska-Picture in my head – forest, hills, river, lakes and in the background the snow covered mountain peaks of the Alaska Range. Here I made my ‘Alaska Picture’ – me cycling up a hill with the mountains in the background (at the present just available in ‘undeveloped-slide-format’ so not to see here yet).

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Valdez - Seward - Hope - Portage Glacier - Girdwood - Anchorage

The place I crushed for the few hours till the ferry would leave was in a small tent right at the ferry pier. At 3:00 AM I was woken by the arriving ferry and so I packed my belongings and went on the ferry. Two hours after arriving, the ferry left the fogy Valdez harbor.

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Valdez - Seward - Hope - Portage Glacier - Girdwood - Anchorage

The place I crushed for the few hours till the ferry would leave was in a small tent right at the ferry pier. At 3:00 AM I was woken by the arriving ferry and so I packed my belongings and went on the ferry. Two hours after arriving, the ferry left the fogy Valdez harbor.

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Valdez - Seward - Hope - Portage Glacier - Girdwood - Anchorage

The place I crushed for the few hours till the ferry would leave was in a small tent right at the ferry pier. At 3:00 AM I was woken by the arriving ferry and so I packed my belongings and went on the ferry. Two hours after arriving, the ferry left the fogy Valdez harbor.

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Anchorage - King River - Littel Nelchine - Gakona - Turnout G 75 - Tok - West - Boundary - Dawson City

After some nights in the cinema, a bit of sightseeing and shopping for a new jacked I left Anchorage for my last destination up in the North – Dawson City. The weather was great and the fall colors beautiful – many persons told me that this is the nicest time to see Alaska. I had wonderful days cycling along the Glenn-Highway towards Glennallen and on to Tok. First I was afraid that the road would be packed with RV’s, heading for the warmer south but they had already left a week ago.

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Anchorage - King River - Littel Nelchine - Gakona - Turnout G 75 - Tok - West - Boundary - Dawson City

After some nights in the cinema, a bit of sightseeing and shopping for a new jacked I left Anchorage for my last destination up in the North – Dawson City. The weather was great and the fall colors beautiful – many persons told me that this is the nicest time to see Alaska. I had wonderful days cycling along the Glenn-Highway towards Glennallen and on to Tok. First I was afraid that the road would be packed with RV’s, heading for the warmer south but they had already left a week ago.

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Anchorage - King River - Littel Nelchine - Gakona - Turnout G 75 - Tok - West - Boundary - Dawson City

After some nights in the cinema, a bit of sightseeing and shopping for a new jacked I left Anchorage for my last destination up in the North – Dawson City. The weather was great and the fall colors beautiful – many persons told me that this is the nicest time to see Alaska. I had wonderful days cycling along the Glenn-Highway towards Glennallen and on to Tok. First I was afraid that the road would be packed with RV’s, heading for the warmer south but they had already left a week ago.

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Dawson City - Whitehorse - Hyder - Price George - Whistler - Vancouver - Victoria

First I thought about staying in Dawson City for some days and see how the weather will evolve and then decide how to go on. It happened that I met Marie and she was going back to Whitehorse and she would give me lift. The opportunity was to challenging for not to grab it and so I reached Whitehorse not after 7 days cycling but a 7 hours car ride.

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Dawson City - Whitehorse - Hyder - Price George - Whistler - Vancouver - Victoria

First I thought about staying in Dawson City for some days and see how the weather will evolve and then decide how to go on. It happened that I met Marie and she was going back to Whitehorse and she would give me lift. The opportunity was to challenging for not to grab it and so I reached Whitehorse not after 7 days cycling but a 7 hours car ride.

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Dawson City - Whitehorse - Hyder - Price George - Whistler - Vancouver - Victoria

First I thought about staying in Dawson City for some days and see how the weather will evolve and then decide how to go on. It happened that I met Marie and she was going back to Whitehorse and she would give me lift. The opportunity was to challenging for not to grab it and so I reached Whitehorse not after 7 days cycling but a 7 hours car ride.