Leaving Port Hardy

The last 10 days were outlined by hours on ferries, spending some days in places along the way and, by rain. Some days it rained a bit and then we had some sun and some days it suned a bit and then we had some rain. No, it was not too bad, just every time I liked to do something it started to rain. I know – this here is Alaska and that kind of weather is part of it, but – I’m just not the kind of person to go out and hike around all day long while it is raining just to see some mountains and glaciers covered in clouds – no that is not my thing. I also thought about whether I’m in the right part of the world after all – we will see. I meet a girl in Prince Rupert and she just came back from the north and she had just beautiful weather. She stayed in the area around Haines Junction and this is, were the first part of my trip will lead me to, so I hope I will have nice weather as well.

So what did I do the last 10 days? Well I was three times on ferries and stayed two days in Price Rupert, Petersburg and Juneau, all nice places.
I really liked Price Rupert even it pored just down as I arrived and I had to cross the the city twice at might night in the rain. Because of the rain I thought about staying in the Hostel. So I drove from the ferry terminal 5 km to the town just to find out that there were no rooms available anymore. Since the campground is almost at the ferry terminal, I drove the whole way back again. I ended up not to pitch the tent that night but sleeping on the ground in the sheltered eating area. The next day I went to the hostel and see there it stopped raining.

The closed campsite

After two more or less sunny days in Prince Rupert I went on to Petersburg. Just before we got to Petersburg we had to pass the Wrangell Narrows, a narrow pass way between the islands, and the sun came out. It was really amazing to navigate between the islands with waterfalls coming down the mountain slopes and spotting bald eagle sitting in the trees. First we saw just one, then two and soon we saw at almost at every treetop one sitting. By arriving at Petersburg’s harbor we could see the mountains of the main cost peeking through the clouds – I was really looking forward to explore the surrounding the next morning, but by then, the weather wasn’t nice anymore. I got up to see how bad it was and it was – no, not to bad but just bad enough not to get really started. I went a bit around town to she what is to see – not that much – and that was about it. The same thing the next day excepted that I stayed in my tent and read a book will the rain crackled on the roof. Yes, that was about it what I saw from Petersburg. In the evening I went to the ferry terminal and seeped there. At 5:00 AM I was on the ferry to Juneau.

By arrival in Juneau I cloud see the Mendenhall Glacier and I was looking forward to camp at bottom of it – the next night. For this night I planed to stay in Juneau City which lies about 20 km south of the ferry terminal. I arrived in Juneau City, went to the campsite, dropped my stuff and went back Down Town. It was amazing to see all those cruse ship passenger walk through the town. At the time there where 4 ships in the harbor with each having about 1000 persons on board, so the city was flooded with thousands of tourists.

In the first imprison the city reminded me of a ski resort in Switzerland – souvenir shops, T-Shirts and Jewelries and nothing more and that is probably all what the most tourist see. I thought about whether I would enjoy such a ship cruse. I think it would not be the thing for me. Cruse around, get to a town, stay there for some hours and maybe do some whale watching or fly around the harbor and then go on again to the next town and do the same there?? I mean the Inland Passage – this is the name of the waterway the ships following – is beautiful when the sun is shining, there is now doubt about it (it is okay when you have rain). But still I don’t see myself being on one of those boots – I might have to try it once to see how it is.

Next morning I was about ready to go to the glacier when it started to rain. I decided to wait till the rain stops and would go then to the glacier – that moment never came. I ended up staying at same campsite for that night and did not move the next day either. What I did was, going to the library and working on this website – still hundreds of pictures to be registered and labeled – and did some more e-mailing and reading. The good thing about the libraries is, they are dry, have places you can sit and you don’t bother anybody. At might night I drove the 20 km back to the ferry terminal – it did not rain for the whole way – and at 7:00 AM I was on the ferry again.

Now I’m in Haines and I like this place – it is somehow special. I will stay here for the night and go on tomorrow – I just hop it is not raining tomorrow, because at the moment is it windy but not raining.

Arriving in Haines