Denali NP and Denali Highway
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4. August 2003 - part of Alaska in the Picturebook
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In the beginning I actually planed to stay in the Denali NP for about a week and do some Backcountry Trekking but ended up just to stay for some days. Before entering the park I got all the needed permits for the Backcountry Trekking but during the rainy day at Wonderlake I decided that I would not do it – I just did not feel like trekking in the most likely rain. So all the trekking I did was around the Visitor Center and Wondelake. Because it was rain-sunny I did not make many photos so those are all there is. I did make some more with my SLR-Camera from Caribous, Moose and Bears but those are not developed yet.
Denali Highway
After the rater rainy days in the Denali NP, I had wonderful days along the Denali Hwy – I needed that to get a positive impression from Alaska and I have it now. The 217 km / 135 miles of the Denali Hwy were fore sure the most scenic once I cycled on so fare – sure also do to the good weather I had